Sunday, October 3, 2010

Super Clean 80's sticks

some 80's boards up on display at Gary's Surf School here in the Deep South.
Original bump tail Anderson Thruster, Young Blood by Shaun Thompson winger single, Faith twin and a Jeffries Bay Surf Designs Thruster. Then in the second pic is a Jet Quad (rainbow lam fins!), Faith bump rail squash tail, Jet Dbl Bump Quad and a Shaun Thompson logo twin with GLITTER rails. Board Porn from the 80's

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol! Wow, my first ever two boards right next to each other, the faith & the J-Bay. Takes me back a bit.


About Me

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Muizenberg, Capetown, South Africa
I have been shaping since '98. It is who i am. Join my facebook page or give me a mail at and we can hook you up with a slick stick.