Thursday, August 12, 2010


OK so i think i nailed this sim thing. Took out the latest prototype in waist to shoulder high Berg early this morning and i'm so stoked. Paddles in great and the drive off the bottom is just mindbending. Looking for some right hand point breaks soon. Fins need a tweek. Slight hiss off the bottom. Going to have to get advice as to be quite honest i've never had to deal with this amount of speed before..Dims are 5.3 x 22 x 3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saw you on the beach as I was going out on my fish. How did it go?


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Muizenberg, Capetown, South Africa
I have been shaping since '98. It is who i am. Join my facebook page or give me a mail at and we can hook you up with a slick stick.