Thursday, February 18, 2010

Been going back to my center. Rushing around doing tons of xps blanks and a few demanding customs and find myself not surfing and grumpy and when I do its on the prototype/dregs "I thought it would be thinner??" boards. So this one is all ME baby.
9.5 x 23 x 3 xps slimslowslider. With all the frills yo . Going to have more hips and curves than a dangerous lady( you know who you are..) . The Idea for this board started with the shape of the fin. Watch this space for more glide and flow than is really good for you....

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About Me

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Muizenberg, Capetown, South Africa
I have been shaping since '98. It is who i am. Join my facebook page or give me a mail at and we can hook you up with a slick stick.